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The Unfinished Print : A Mokuhanga Podcast

Dec 24, 2022

The importance of passion cannot be understated.  It can be a wonderful and beautiful thing, and if it's made into a positive part of not only one's own life but for others as well; it's a passion worth pursuing. 

On this episode of The Unfinished Print I speak with mokuhanga collector, scholar and instructor, Carol...

Nov 30, 2022

Many mokuhanga printmakers today touch on different mediums when they create their work. It could be sculpture, bookbinding, or installation. There is no limit as to what can be accomplished with mokuhanga. 

On this episode of The Unfinished Print I speak with mokuhanga printmaker and artist Katie Baldwin. Based in...

Nov 9, 2022

When making mokuhanga there are many way to get to the final product. However you get there, you need to enjoy every single moment you have with it. So many twists and turns, indulging your passions with your work, anything can happen.

On this episode of The Unfinished Print I speak with printmaker Karen Pittman. With...

Oct 27, 2022

 Mia O is one of the most interesting and creative mokuhanga printmakers working in the medium, today. Her work moves outside the traditional formats of mokuhanga, through shape, collage, colour, and even the folds of washi. 

Join me on this episode of The Unfinished Print where I speak with Mia O about how mokuhanga...

Oct 17, 2022

In this world of mokuhanga, there are artists whose passion and dedication to the art form comes not only from their work, but from how they see the medium itself. Linda J Beeman is a Michigan based mokuhanga printmaker who desires to explore nature, its conservation, its power through colour, its meaning, and...